Thursday, October 16, 2008

National Sorry Days

The first national sorry day was held on May 26 1998. The cause for this day was because the government was attempting to take the Aboriginal and Torres Strait children away from their families. This day is celebrated every year on May 26 to remember the removals and the effects it has made. This day is also celebrated to recognize the mistakes that the people made to the indigenous people and so that they recovering process could begin. In 2005 it was renamed to the " National Healing Day". Then in the same year the National Sorry Day Committee named it back to the natural name, " National Sorry Day". On February 13 Kevin Rudd the Prime Minister made an apology speech. He made it very clear in how sorry he was and that they did not mean to cause this much damage. London was the first place to celebrate it outside of Australia. They are truly aware of the issues going on and they celebrated by preparing speeches and performances.

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